Emergent Mind

On the weight and density bounds of polynomial threshold functions

Published Jul 6, 2020 in cs.DM , cs.CC , cs.LG , and math.CO


In this report, we show that all n-variable Boolean function can be represented as polynomial threshold functions (PTF) with at most $0.75 \times 2n$ non-zero integer coefficients and give an upper bound on the absolute value of these coefficients. To our knowledge this provides the best known bound on both the PTF density (number of monomials) and weight (sum of the coefficient magnitudes) of general Boolean functions. The special case of Bent functions is also analyzed and shown that any n-variable Bent function can be represented with integer coefficients less than $2n$ while also obeying the aforementioned density bound. Finally, sparse Boolean functions, which are almost constant except for $m << 2n$ number of variable assignments, are shown to have small weight PTFs with density at most $m+2{n-1}$.

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