Emergent Mind

PPaaS: Privacy Preservation as a Service

Published Jul 4, 2020 in cs.CR and cs.DB


Personally identifiable information (PII) can find its way into cyberspace through various channels, and many potential sources can leak such information. Data sharing (e.g. cross-agency data sharing) for machine learning and analytics is one of the important components in data science. However, due to privacy concerns, data should be enforced with strong privacy guarantees before sharing. Different privacy-preserving approaches were developed for privacy preserving data sharing; however, identifying the best privacy-preservation approach for the privacy-preservation of a certain dataset is still a challenge. Different parameters can influence the efficacy of the process, such as the characteristics of the input dataset, the strength of the privacy-preservation approach, and the expected level of utility of the resulting dataset (on the corresponding data mining application such as classification). This paper presents a framework named \underline{P}rivacy \underline{P}reservation \underline{a}s \underline{a} \underline{S}ervice (PPaaS) to reduce this complexity. The proposed method employs selective privacy preservation via data perturbation and looks at different dynamics that can influence the quality of the privacy preservation of a dataset. PPaaS includes pools of data perturbation methods, and for each application and the input dataset, PPaaS selects the most suitable data perturbation approach after rigorous evaluation. It enhances the usability of privacy-preserving methods within its pool; it is a generic platform that can be used to sanitize big data in a granular, application-specific manner by employing a suitable combination of diverse privacy-preserving algorithms to provide a proper balance between privacy and utility.

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