Emergent Mind

Cache-Aided Matrix Multiplication Retrieval

Published Jul 2, 2020 in cs.IT and math.IT


Coded caching is a promising technique to smooth out network traffic by storing part of the library content at the users' local caches. The seminal work on coded caching for single file retrieval by Maddah-Ali and Niesen (MAN) showed the existence of a global caching gain that scales with the total memory in the system, in addition to the known local caching gain in uncoded systems. This paper formulates a novel cache-aided matrix multiplication retrieval problem, relevant for data analytics and machine learning applications. In the considered problem, each cache-aided user requests the product of two matrices from the library. A structure-agnostic solution is to treat each possible matrix product as an independent file and use the MAN coded caching scheme for single file retrieval. This paper proposes two structure-aware schemes, which partition each matrix in the library by either rows or columns and let a subset of users cache some sub-matrices, that improve on the structure-agnostic scheme. For the case where the library matrices are "fat" matrices, the structure-aware row-partition scheme is shown to be order optimal under some constraint.

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