Emergent Mind


This work proposes a low-power high-accuracy embedded hand-gesture recognition algorithm targeting battery-operated wearable devices using low power short-range RADAR sensors. A 2D Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) using range frequency Doppler features is combined with a Temporal Convolutional Neural Network (TCN) for time sequence prediction. The final algorithm has a model size of only 46 thousand parameters, yielding a memory footprint of only 92 KB. Two datasets containing 11 challenging hand gestures performed by 26 different people have been recorded containing a total of 20,210 gesture instances. On the 11 hand gesture dataset, accuracies of 86.6% (26 users) and 92.4% (single user) have been achieved, which are comparable to the state-of-the-art, which achieves 87% (10 users) and 94% (single user), while using a TCN-based network that is 7500x smaller than the state-of-the-art. Furthermore, the gesture recognition classifier has been implemented on a Parallel Ultra-Low Power Processor, demonstrating that real-time prediction is feasible with only 21 mW of power consumption for the full TCN sequence prediction network, while a system-level power consumption of less than 100 mW is achieved. We provide open-source access to all the code and data collected and used in this work on tinyradar.ethz.ch.

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