Emergent Mind

Off-the-grid: Fast and Effective Hyperparameter Search for Kernel Clustering

Published Jun 24, 2020 in cs.LG and stat.ML


Kernel functions are a powerful tool to enhance the $k$-means clustering algorithm via the kernel trick. It is known that the parameters of the chosen kernel function can have a dramatic impact on the result. In supervised settings, these can be tuned via cross-validation, but for clustering this is not straightforward and heuristics are usually employed. In this paper we study the impact of kernel parameters on kernel $k$-means. In particular, we derive a lower bound, tight up to constant factors, below which the parameter of the RBF kernel will render kernel $k$-means meaningless. We argue that grid search can be ineffective for hyperparameter search in this context and propose an alternative algorithm for this purpose. In addition, we offer an efficient implementation based on fast approximate exponentiation with provable quality guarantees. Our experimental results demonstrate the ability of our method to efficiently reveal a rich and useful set of hyperparameter values.

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