Emergent Mind

Uniqueness and Optimality of Dynamical Extensions of Divergences

Published Jun 23, 2020 in quant-ph , cs.IT , math-ph , math.IT , and math.MP


We introduce an axiomatic approach for channel divergences and channel relative entropies that is based on three information-theoretic axioms of monotonicity under superchannels (i.e. generalized data processing inequality), additivity under tensor products, and normalization, similar to the approach given recently for the state domain. We show that these axioms are sufficient to give enough structure also in the channel domain, leading to numerous properties that are applicable to all channel divergences. These include faithfulness, continuity, a type of triangle inequality, and boundedness between the min and max channel relative entropies. In addition, we prove a uniqueness theorem showing that the Kullback-Leibler divergence has only one extension to classical channels. For quantum channels, with the exception of the max relative entropy, this uniqueness does not hold. Instead we prove the optimality of the amortized channel extension of the Umegaki relative entropy, by showing that it provides a lower bound on all channel relative entropies that reduce to the Kullback-Leibler divergence on classical states. We also introduce the maximal channel extension of a given classical state divergence and study its properties.

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