Emergent Mind

Testing systems of real quadratic equations for approximate solutions

Published Jun 16, 2020 in math.OC and cs.DS


Consider systems of equations $qi(x)=0$, where $qi: {\Bbb R}n \longrightarrow {\Bbb R}$, $i=1, \ldots, m$, are quadratic forms. Our goal is to tell efficiently systems with many non-trivial solutions or near-solutions $x \ne 0$ from systems that are far from having a solution. For that, we pick a delta-shaped penalty function $F: {\Bbb R} \longrightarrow [0, 1]$ with $F(0)=1$ and $F(y) < 1$ for $y \ne 0$ and compute the expectation of $F(q1(x)) \cdots F(qm(x))$ for a random $x$ sampled from the standard Gaussian measure in ${\Bbb R}n$. We choose $F(y)=y{-2}\sin2 y$ and show that the expectation can be approximated within relative error $0< \epsilon < 1$ in quasi-polynomial time $(m+n){O(\ln (m+n)-\ln \epsilon)}$, provided each form $qi$ depends on not more than $r$ real variables, has common variables with at most $r-1$ other forms and satisfies $|qi(x)| \leq \gamma |x|2/r$, where $\gamma >0$ is an absolute constant. This allows us to distinguish between "easily solvable" and "badly unsolvable" systems in some non-trivial situations.

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