Emergent Mind


Equivalence testing for a polynomial family {gm} over a field F is the following problem: Given black-box access to an n-variate polynomial f(x), where n is the number of variables in gm, check if there exists an A in GL(n,F) such that f(x) = gm(Ax). If yes, then output such an A. The complexity of equivalence testing has been studied for a number of important polynomial families, including the determinant (Det) and the two popular variants of the iterated matrix multiplication polynomial: IMM{w,d} (the (1,1) entry of the product of d many w $\times$ w symbolic matrices) and Tr-IMM{w,d} (the trace of the product of d many w $\times$ w symbolic matrices). The families Det, IMM and Tr-IMM are VBP-complete, and so, in this sense, they have the same complexity. But, do they have the same equivalence testing complexity? We show that the answer is 'yes' for Det and Tr-IMM (modulo the use of randomness). The result is obtained by connecting the two problems via another well-studied problem called the full matrix algebra isomorphism problem (FMAI). In particular, we prove the following: 1. Testing equivalence of polynomials to Tr-IMM{w,d}, for d$\geq$ 3 and w$\geq$ 2, is randomized polynomial-time Turing reducible to testing equivalence of polynomials to Detw, the determinant of the w $\times$ w matrix of formal variables. (Here, d need not be a constant.) 2. FMAI is randomized polynomial-time Turing reducible to equivalence testing (in fact, to tensor isomorphism testing) for the family of matrix multiplication tensors {Tr-IMM{w,3}}. These in conjunction with the randomized poly-time reduction from determinant equivalence testing to FMAI [Garg,Gupta,Kayal,Saha19], imply that FMAI, equivalence testing for Tr-IMM and for Det, and the $3$-tensor isomorphism problem for the family of matrix multiplication tensors are randomized poly-time equivalent under Turing reductions.

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