Emergent Mind

Task-similarity Aware Meta-learning through Nonparametric Kernel Regression

Published Jun 12, 2020 in cs.LG and stat.ML


This paper investigates the use of nonparametric kernel-regression to obtain a tasksimilarity aware meta-learning algorithm. Our hypothesis is that the use of tasksimilarity helps meta-learning when the available tasks are limited and may contain outlier/ dissimilar tasks. While existing meta-learning approaches implicitly assume the tasks as being similar, it is generally unclear how this task-similarity could be quantified and used in the learning. As a result, most popular metalearning approaches do not actively use the similarity/dissimilarity between the tasks, but rely on availability of huge number of tasks for their working. Our contribution is a novel framework for meta-learning that explicitly uses task-similarity in the form of kernels and an associated meta-learning algorithm. We model the task-specific parameters to belong to a reproducing kernel Hilbert space where the kernel function captures the similarity across tasks. The proposed algorithm iteratively learns a meta-parameter which is used to assign a task-specific descriptor for every task. The task descriptors are then used to quantify the task-similarity through the kernel function. We show how our approach conceptually generalizes the popular meta-learning approaches of model-agnostic meta-learning (MAML) and Meta-stochastic gradient descent (Meta-SGD) approaches. Numerical experiments with regression tasks show that our algorithm outperforms these approaches when the number of tasks is limited, even in the presence of outlier or dissimilar tasks. This supports our hypothesis that task-similarity helps improve the metalearning performance in task-limited and adverse settings.

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