Emergent Mind

Sparse approximation of triangular transports. Part I: the finite dimensional case

Published Jun 12, 2020 in math.NA , cs.NA , math.ST , and stat.TH


For two probability measures $\rho$ and $\pi$ with analytic densities on the $d$-dimensional cube $[-1,1]d$, we investigate the approximation of the unique triangular monotone Knothe-Rosenblatt transport $T:[-1,1]d\to [-1,1]d$, such that the pushforward $T\sharp\rho$ equals $\pi$. It is shown that for $d\in\mathbb{N}$ there exist approximations $\tilde T$ of $T$, based on either sparse polynomial expansions or deep ReLU neural networks, such that the distance between $\tilde T\sharp\rho$ and $\pi$ decreases exponentially. More precisely, we prove error bounds of the type $\exp(-\beta N{1/d})$ (or $\exp(-\beta N{1/(d+1)})$ for neural networks), where $N$ refers to the dimension of the ansatz space (or the size of the network) containing $\tilde T$; the notion of distance comprises the Hellinger distance, the total variation distance, the Wasserstein distance and the Kullback-Leibler divergence. Our construction guarantees $\tilde T$ to be a monotone triangular bijective transport on the hypercube $[-1,1]d$. Analogous results hold for the inverse transport $S=T{-1}$. The proofs are constructive, and we give an explicit a priori description of the ansatz space, which can be used for numerical implementations.

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