Emergent Mind

Implicit Kernel Attention

Published Jun 11, 2020 in cs.LG and stat.ML


\textit{Attention} computes the dependency between representations, and it encourages the model to focus on the important selective features. Attention-based models, such as Transformer and graph attention network (GAT), are widely utilized for sequential data and graph-structured data. This paper suggests a new interpretation and generalized structure of the attention in Transformer and GAT. For the attention in Transformer and GAT, we derive that the attention is a product of two parts: 1) the RBF kernel to measure the similarity of two instances and 2) the exponential of $L{2}$ norm to compute the importance of individual instances. From this decomposition, we generalize the attention in three ways. First, we propose implicit kernel attention with an implicit kernel function instead of manual kernel selection. Second, we generalize $L{2}$ norm as the $L{p}$ norm. Third, we extend our attention to structured multi-head attention. Our generalized attention shows better performance on classification, translation, and regression tasks.

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