Emergent Mind


In this paper, we present an efficient hardware mapping methodology for realizing vector matrix multiplication (VMM) on resistive memory (RRAM) arrays. Using the proposed VMM computation technique, we experimentally demonstrate a binarized-ADALINE (Adaptive Linear) classifier on an OxRAM crossbar. An 8x8 OxRAM crossbar with Ni/3-nm HfO2/7 nm Al-doped-TiO2/TiN device stack is used. Weight training for the binarized-ADALINE classifier is performed ex-situ on UCI cancer dataset. Post weight generation the OxRAM array is carefully programmed to binary weight-states using the proposed weight mapping technique on a custom-built testbench. Our VMM powered binarized-ADALINE network achieves a classification accuracy of 78% in simulation and 67% in experiments. Experimental accuracy was found to drop mainly due to crossbar inherent sneak-path issues and RRAM device programming variability.

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