Emergent Mind


Recent breakthroughs in Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have fueled a tremendously growing demand for bringing DNN-powered intelligence into mobile platforms. While the potential of deploying DNNs on resource-constrained platforms has been demonstrated by DNN compression techniques, the current practice suffers from two limitations: 1) merely stand-alone compression schemes are investigated even though each compression technique only suit for certain types of DNN layers; and 2) mostly compression techniques are optimized for DNNs' inference accuracy, without explicitly considering other application-driven system performance (e.g., latency and energy cost) and the varying resource availability across platforms (e.g., storage and processing capability). To this end, we propose AdaDeep, a usage-driven, automated DNN compression framework for systematically exploring the desired trade-off between performance and resource constraints, from a holistic system level. Specifically, in a layer-wise manner, AdaDeep automatically selects the most suitable combination of compression techniques and the corresponding compression hyperparameters for a given DNN. Thorough evaluations on six datasets and across twelve devices demonstrate that AdaDeep can achieve up to $18.6\times$ latency reduction, $9.8\times$ energy-efficiency improvement, and $37.3\times$ storage reduction in DNNs while incurring negligible accuracy loss. Furthermore, AdaDeep also uncovers multiple novel combinations of compression techniques.

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