Emergent Mind


We present a framework for scheduling multifunction serverless applications over a hybrid public-private cloud. A set of serverless jobs is input as a batch, and the objective is to schedule function executions over the hybrid platform to minimize the cost of public cloud use, while completing all jobs by a specified deadline. As this scheduling problem is NP-Hard, we propose a greedy algorithm that dynamically determines both the order and placement of each function execution using predictive models of function execution time and network latencies. We present a prototype implementation of our framework that uses AWS Lambda and OpenFaaS, for the public and private cloud, respectively. We evaluate our prototype in live experiments using a mixture of compute and I/O heavy serverless applications. Our results show that our framework can achieve a speedup in batch processing of up to 1.92 times that of an approach that uses only the private cloud, at 40.5% the cost of an approach that uses only the public cloud.

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