Emergent Mind


The conventional approach to nanophotonic metasurface design and optimization for a targeted electromagnetic response involves exploring large geometry and material spaces, which is computationally costly, time consuming and a highly iterative process based on trial and error. Moreover, the non-uniqueness of structural designs and high non-linearity between electromagnetic response and design makes this problem challenging. To model this non-intuitive relationship between electromagnetic response and metasurface structural design as a probability distribution in the design space, we introduce a cyclical deep learning (DL) based framework for inverse design of nanophotonic metasurfaces. The proposed framework performs inverse design and optimization mechanism for the generation of meta-atoms and meta-molecules as metasurface units based on DL models and genetic algorithm. The framework includes consecutive DL models that emulate both numerical electromagnetic simulation and iterative processes of optimization, and generate optimized structural designs while simultaneously performing forward and inverse design tasks. A selection and evaluation of generated structural designs is performed by the genetic algorithm to construct a desired optical response and design space that mimics real world responses. Importantly, our cyclical generation framework also explores the space of new metasurface topologies. As an example application of utility of our proposed architecture, we demonstrate the inverse design of gap-plasmon based half-wave plate metasurface for user-defined optical response. Our proposed technique can be easily generalized for designing nanophtonic metasurfaces for a wide range of targeted optical response.

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