Emergent Mind

Bat Optimized Watershed based Segmentation of Lamina Cribrosa

Published May 21, 2020 in eess.IV


The segmentation of Lamina Cribrosa(LC) is a challenging task to detect the glaucomatous damage. In this paper a new method of segmenting the LC using bat optimized Watershed segmentation is done. By using wavelet transform LC structures are decomposed. Then, the decomposed image is optimized using Bat algorithm and by applying histogram equalization the optimized image is normalized. Watershed algorithm is used to segment the Lamina Cribrosa from its outer layer. Using some parameters like PSNR, MSE, F-Measure, rand index, sensitivity, specificity, SSIM and accuracy, the performance of the proposed system is calculated. The results show that the proposed method provides higher accuracy of 99.29%.

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