Emergent Mind

On the cop number of graphs of high girth

Published May 21, 2020 in math.CO and cs.DM


We establish a lower bound for the cop number of graphs of high girth in terms of the minimum degree, and more generally, in terms of a certain growth condition. We show, in particular, that the cop number of any graph with girth $g$ and minimum degree $\delta$ is at least $\tfrac{1}{g}(\delta - 1){\lfloor \frac{g-1}{4}\rfloor}$. We establish similar results for directed graphs. While exposing several reasons for conjecturing that the exponent $\tfrac{1}{4}g$ in this lower bound cannot be improved to $(\tfrac{1}{4}+\varepsilon)g$, we are also able to prove that it cannot be increased beyond $\frac{3}{8}g$. This is established by considering a certain family of Ramanujan graphs. In our proof of this bound, we also show that the "weak" Meyniel's conjecture holds for expander graph families of bounded degree.

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