Emergent Mind

Optimum Distance Flag Codes from Spreads via Perfect Matchings in Graphs

Published May 19, 2020 in cs.IT , math.CO , and math.IT


In this paper, we study flag codes on the vector space $\mathbb{F}qn$, being $q$ a prime power and $\mathbb{F}q$ the finite field of $q$ elements. More precisely, we focus on flag codes that attain the maximum possible distance (optimum distance flag codes) and can be obtained from a spread of $\mathbb{F}_qn$. We characterize the set of admissible type vectors for this family of flag codes and also provide a construction of them based on well-known results about perfect matchings in graphs. This construction attains both the maximum distance for its type vector and the largest possible cardinality for that distance.

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