Emergent Mind

Single-Deletion Single-Substitution Correcting Codes

Published May 19, 2020 in cs.IT and math.IT


Correcting insertions/deletions as well as substitution errors simultaneously plays an important role in DNA-based storage systems as well as in classical communications. This paper deals with the fundamental task of constructing codes that can correct a single insertion or deletion along with a single substitution. A non-asymptotic upper bound on the size of single-deletion single-substitution correcting codes is derived, showing that the redundancy of such a code of length $n$ has to be at least $2 \log n$. The bound is presented both for binary and non-binary codes while an extension to single deletion and multiple substitutions is presented for binary codes. An explicit construction of single-deletion single-substitution correcting codes with at most $6 \log n + 8$ redundancy bits is derived. Note that the best known construction for this problem has to use 3-deletion correcting codes whose best known redundancy is roughly $24 \log n$.

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