Emergent Mind

On the real Davies' conjecture

Published May 18, 2020 in math.FA , cs.NA , math.NA , math.PR , and math.SP


We show that every matrix $A \in \mathbb{R}{n\times n}$ is at least $\delta$$|A|$-close to a real matrix $A+E \in \mathbb{R}{n\times n}$ whose eigenvectors have condition number at most $\tilde{O}_{n}(\delta{-1})$. In fact, we prove that, with high probability, taking $E$ to be a sufficiently small multiple of an i.i.d. real sub-Gaussian matrix of bounded density suffices. This essentially confirms a speculation of Davies, and of Banks, Kulkarni, Mukherjee, and Srivastava, who recently proved such a result for i.i.d. complex Gaussian matrices. Along the way, we also prove non-asymptotic estimates on the minimum possible distance between any two eigenvalues of a random matrix whose entries have arbitrary means; this part of our paper may be of independent interest.

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