Emergent Mind

Spelling Error Correction with Soft-Masked BERT

Published May 15, 2020 in cs.CL and cs.LG


Spelling error correction is an important yet challenging task because a satisfactory solution of it essentially needs human-level language understanding ability. Without loss of generality we consider Chinese spelling error correction (CSC) in this paper. A state-of-the-art method for the task selects a character from a list of candidates for correction (including non-correction) at each position of the sentence on the basis of BERT, the language representation model. The accuracy of the method can be sub-optimal, however, because BERT does not have sufficient capability to detect whether there is an error at each position, apparently due to the way of pre-training it using mask language modeling. In this work, we propose a novel neural architecture to address the aforementioned issue, which consists of a network for error detection and a network for error correction based on BERT, with the former being connected to the latter with what we call soft-masking technique. Our method of using `Soft-Masked BERT' is general, and it may be employed in other language detection-correction problems. Experimental results on two datasets demonstrate that the performance of our proposed method is significantly better than the baselines including the one solely based on BERT.

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