Emergent Mind

How Reversibility Can Solve Traditional Questions: The Example of Hereditary History-Preserving Bisimulation

Published May 14, 2020 in cs.DC , cs.FL , cs.LO , and math.LO


Reversible computation opens up the possibility of overcoming some of the hardware's current physical limitations. It also offers theoretical insights, as it enriches multiple paradigms and models of computation, and sometimes retrospectively enlightens them. Concurrent reversible computation, for instance, offered interesting extensions to the Calculus of Communicating Systems, but was still lacking a natural and pertinent bisimulation to study processes equivalences. Our paper formulates an equivalence exploiting the two aspects of reversibility: backward moves and memory mechanisms. This bisimulation captures classical equivalences relations for denotational models of concurrency (History-and hereditary history-preserving bisimulation, (H)HPB), that were up to now only partially characterized by process algebras. This result gives an insight on the expressiveness of reversibility, as both backward moves and a memory mechanism-providing 'backward determinism'-are needed to capture HHPB.

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