Emergent Mind

Upper Bounds on the Generalization Error of Private Algorithms for Discrete Data

Published May 12, 2020 in cs.IT , cs.LG , math.IT , and stat.ML


In this work, we study the generalization capability of algorithms from an information-theoretic perspective. It has been shown that the expected generalization error of an algorithm is bounded from above by a function of the relative entropy between the conditional probability distribution of the algorithm's output hypothesis, given the dataset with which it was trained, and its marginal probability distribution. We build upon this fact and introduce a mathematical formulation to obtain upper bounds on this relative entropy. Assuming that the data is discrete, we then develop a strategy using this formulation, based on the method of types and typicality, to find explicit upper bounds on the generalization error of stable algorithms, i.e., algorithms that produce similar output hypotheses given similar input datasets. In particular, we show the bounds obtained with this strategy for the case of $\epsilon$-DP and $\mu$-GDP algorithms.

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