Emergent Mind


Cache-aided wireless device-to-device (D2D) networks have demonstrated promising performance improvement for video distribution compared to conventional distribution methods. Understanding the fundamental scaling behavior of such networks is thus of paramount importance. However, existing scaling laws for multi-hop networks have not been found to be optimal even for the case of Zipf popularity distributions (gaps between upper and lower bounds are not constants); furthermore, there are no scaling law results for such networks for the more practical case of a Mandelbrot-Zipf (MZipf) popularity distribution. We thus in this work investigate the throughput-outage performance for cache-aided wireless D2D networks adopting multi-hop communications, with the MZipf popularity distribution for file requests and users distributed according to Poisson point process. We propose an achievable content caching and delivery scheme and analyze its performance. By showing that the achievable performance is tight to the proposed outer bound, the optimal scaling law is obtained. Furthermore, since the Zipf distribution is a special case of the MZipf distribution, the optimal scaling law for the networks considering Zipf popularity distribution is also obtained, which closes the gap in the literature.

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