Emergent Mind

Generating Pertinent and Diversified Comments with Topic-aware Pointer-Generator Networks

Published May 9, 2020 in cs.CL , cs.IR , and cs.LG


Comment generation, a new and challenging task in Natural Language Generation (NLG), attracts a lot of attention in recent years. However, comments generated by previous work tend to lack pertinence and diversity. In this paper, we propose a novel generation model based on Topic-aware Pointer-Generator Networks (TPGN), which can utilize the topic information hidden in the articles to guide the generation of pertinent and diversified comments. Firstly, we design a keyword-level and topic-level encoder attention mechanism to capture topic information in the articles. Next, we integrate the topic information into pointer-generator networks to guide comment generation. Experiments on a large scale of comment generation dataset show that our model produces the valuable comments and outperforms competitive baseline models significantly.

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