Emergent Mind

Measuring the Algorithmic Efficiency of Neural Networks

Published May 8, 2020 in cs.LG , cs.CV , and stat.ML


Three factors drive the advance of AI: algorithmic innovation, data, and the amount of compute available for training. Algorithmic progress has traditionally been more difficult to quantify than compute and data. In this work, we argue that algorithmic progress has an aspect that is both straightforward to measure and interesting: reductions over time in the compute needed to reach past capabilities. We show that the number of floating-point operations required to train a classifier to AlexNet-level performance on ImageNet has decreased by a factor of 44x between 2012 and 2019. This corresponds to algorithmic efficiency doubling every 16 months over a period of 7 years. By contrast, Moore's Law would only have yielded an 11x cost improvement. We observe that hardware and algorithmic efficiency gains multiply and can be on a similar scale over meaningful horizons, which suggests that a good model of AI progress should integrate measures from both.


  • The paper presents a method to empirically measure the algorithmic efficiency improvements in neural networks over time through reductions in computational resources required to reach specific performance benchmarks.

  • Key findings show that the floating-point operations (FLOPs) needed to achieve AlexNet-level performance on ImageNet have reduced by a factor of 44x between 2012 and 2019, equating to an algorithmic efficiency doubling approximately every 16 months.

  • The study validates these efficiency improvements across other domains such as natural language processing and game playing, showcasing trends that suggest a consistent 'algorithmic Moore’s Law.'

Measuring the Algorithmic Efficiency of Neural Networks

The paper "Measuring the Algorithmic Efficiency of Neural Networks" by Danny Hernandez and Tom B. Brown from OpenAI presents a systematic and empirical analysis of algorithmic efficiency improvements in neural networks over time. The authors argue that algorithmic progress, which has been traditionally harder to quantify compared to compute and data, can be effectively measured by reductions in computational resources required to reach specific performance benchmarks.

Key Findings and Methodology

The paper delineates that the floating-point operations (FLOPs) required to train a classifier to achieve AlexNet-level performance on ImageNet have decreased by a factor of 44x between 2012 and 2019. This translates to an algorithmic efficiency doubling approximately every 16 months, surpassing the original Moore’s Law rate of hardware efficiency improvement, which stands at 11x over a comparable period.


  1. Empirical Measurement of FLOPs: The primary methodology utilized involved leveraging existing open-source re-implementations of popular models. The authors utilized PyTorch models and tracked the total FLOPs involved in the training process.
  2. Hyperparameter Standardization: They made minimal hyperparameter adjustments between architectures, ensuring consistency and comparability in their measurements.
  3. Use of Established Benchmarks: AlexNet's performance on ImageNet was used as a consistent benchmark ("79.1% top-5 accuracy"), given its historical significance and broad relevance.

Detailed Results

Algorithmic Efficiency Improvements

The paper’s key result is striking: the compute required to train models to AlexNet-level performance has reduced significantly, pointing to notable advancements in algorithmic efficiency. This trend of 44x reduction in computational costs is broken down as follows (where relevant):

  • GoogleNet: 4.3x efficiency gain
  • MobileNet_v1: 11x efficiency gain
  • ShuffleNet_v1: 21x efficiency gain
  • EfficientNet-b0: 44x efficiency gain

Breakdowns and Substantial Contributions

The significant reductions in FLOPs can be attributed to several factors:

  • Sparsity: Implementation of sparse structures within convolutional layers.
  • Batch Normalization: Enabling stable and faster training.
  • Residual Connections: Improved training dynamics through residual learning frameworks.
  • Principled Scaling and Architecture Search: Optimizing model scaling strategies and automating architecture search processes.

Cross-Validation with Other Domains

The study also cross-validated these findings in other advanced AI application domains like machine translation (with Transformer models) and game playing (e.g., Go and Dota). In these domains, substantial algorithmic efficiency gains were observed, sometimes surpassing those in the vision domain:

  • Transformer in NLP: Showed 61x efficiency improvements over Seq2Seq models.
  • AlphaZero in Go: Demonstrated an 8x improvement over AlphaGo Zero.


The paper posits that empirical measurements of FLOPs used in training, while having inherent limitations, serve as a robust metric for tracking progress in algorithmic efficiency. The authors argue that algorithmic improvements observed here are not outliers but part of a consistent trend, indicating a sort of "algorithmic Moore’s Law" within high-investment, high-impact AI research areas.

Future Implications

  1. Economic Impact: The exponential improvements in algorithmic efficiency can serve as leading indicators for the increasing economic impact of AI technologies.
  2. Algorithmic Innovation: The sustained trends in efficiency improvements suggest a significant compounding effect when combined with ongoing hardware advancements.
  3. AI Research Trajectories: The findings urge the AI community to integrate algorithmic efficiency metrics more consistently into their assessments, ensuring a clearer understanding of progress and direction in AI research.

Limitations and Further Research

The paper acknowledges several limitations:

  • Sample Size: The study is built on a limited number of benchmark models and tasks.
  • Generalization: It remains to be seen how these efficiency trends generalize to a broader set of AI problems.
  • New Capabilities vs. Efficiency: The paper posits that new capabilities (e.g., initial breakthroughs) likely represent larger algorithmic gains than those observed within efficiency improvements over existing benchmarks.


"Measuring the Algorithmic Efficiency of Neural Networks" offers critical insights into the empirical measurement of algorithmic progress in AI. The consistent and rapid improvements in training efficiency underscore the importance of algorithmic innovations alongside advancements in hardware. By systematically tracking these metrics, the research community can better ground the discourse on AI progress, providing clearer indicators for policy-makers, industry leaders, and future research endeavors.


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