Emergent Mind

On Minimizing Channel-Aware Age of Information in a Multi-Sensor Setting

Published May 8, 2020 in eess.SY , cs.IT , cs.SY , and math.IT


We propose a variant of the Age of Information (AoI) metric called Channel-Aware Age of Information (CA-AoI). Unlike AoI, CA-AoI takes into account the channel conditions between the source and the intended destination to compute the "age" of the recent most update received by the destination. This new metric ensures that the resource allocation is not heavily tilted towards the sources with poor channel conditions. We design scheduling policies for multi-sensor systems in which sensors report their measurements to a central monitoring station via a shared unreliable communication channel with the goal of minimizing the time-average of the weighted sum of CA-AoIs. We initially derive universal lower bounds for the freshness objective. We show that the scheduling problem is indexable and derive low complexity Whittle index based scheduling policies. We also design stationary randomized scheduling algorithms and give optimization procedures to find the optimal parameters of the policy. Via simulations, we show that our proposed policies surpass the greedy policy in several settings. Moreover the Whittle Index based scheduling policies outperform other policies in all the settings considered.

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