Emergent Mind


This paper presents our system entitled `LIIR' for SemEval-2020 Task 12 on Multilingual Offensive Language Identification in Social Media (OffensEval 2). We have participated in sub-task A for English, Danish, Greek, Arabic, and Turkish languages. We adapt and fine-tune the BERT and Multilingual Bert models made available by Google AI for English and non-English languages respectively. For the English language, we use a combination of two fine-tuned BERT models. For other languages we propose a cross-lingual augmentation approach in order to enrich training data and we use Multilingual BERT to obtain sentence representations. LIIR achieved rank 14/38, 18/47, 24/86, 24/54, and 25/40 in Greek, Turkish, English, Arabic, and Danish languages, respectively.

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