Emergent Mind

Linking Parking and Electricity Values to Unlock Potentials of Electric Vehicles in Portuguese Buildings

Published May 4, 2020 in physics.soc-ph , cs.SY , and eess.SY


Large parking lots in public and commercial buildings are increasingly installing the required infrastructure for serving Electric Vehicles (EVs). Utilizing charging and discharging flexibility of parked EVs has the potential to significantly increase the self-consumption of on-site renewable generation and reduce building energy costs. Optimal charging and discharge management of electric vehicles can fill the gap between self-generation and building electric demand while accounting for electricity tariffs. Optimal interactions between EVs and buildings will play a key role in the operation of power networks with a high penetration of distributed energy resources, such as the Portuguese electric grid. However, in Portugal, the existing regulation does not allow financial transactions between buildings and EVs in exchange for charging and discharging. This renders most proposed charging and discharging management strategies impractical. This paper introduces a novel and practical framework to connect electricity and parking values at commercial and public buildings. This framework will manage interactions between building and vehicle in the context of parking time duration and added value services for the charging and discharging periods. The proposed formulation is ready to adopt since it is compatible with the current regulations and relies on existing technologies. The simulation results showcase the cost reduction and self-consumption benefits of the proposed solution for building owners.

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