Emergent Mind


Nowadays, it has become a basic need to reuse existing Application Programming Interface (API), Class Libraries, and frameworks for rapid software development. Software developers often reuse this by calling the respective APIs or libraries. But in doing so, developers usually encounter different problems in searching for appropriate code snippets. In most cases, API and Libraries are complex and not well structured or well documented. Online search engine consumes time in searching, yet match is not that relevant and representation is not good. To get a suggestion according to the query we can find that snippet online using search engines or code search engines. In some cases database dependent searching and remote web server based mined repository searching bring a problem to the developers. Finding an API recommendation on code search engine often deal with extra-large files that eventually slow down the software development process. We have searched for a solution throughout our work and tried to bring a better outcome. As an alternative action, we have implemented a system what we call Enhancing Software Development Process (ESDP) tool that is able to provide an efficient and working integrated environment to the developers with a better abstraction and representation of the search results and programmers need to be derived from the source codes. We also have built and applied an XML based enriched repository to get a recommendation from the mined repository on the client-side without interacting with the internet-dependent server to save complications and times. We provide the most relevant code skeletons or mapping to programmers or developers using graph-based representation.

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