Emergent Mind

Complexity of $C_k$-coloring in hereditary classes of graphs

Published May 4, 2020 in cs.DS and math.CO


For a graph $F$, a graph $G$ is \emph{$F$-free} if it does not contain an induced subgraph isomorphic to $F$. For two graphs $G$ and $H$, an \emph{$H$-coloring} of $G$ is a mapping $f:V(G)\rightarrow V(H)$ such that for every edge $uv\in E(G)$ it holds that $f(u)f(v)\in E(H)$. We are interested in the complexity of the problem $H$-{\sc Coloring}, which asks for the existence of an $H$-coloring of an input graph $G$. In particular, we consider $H$-{\sc Coloring} of $F$-free graphs, where $F$ is a fixed graph and $H$ is an odd cycle of length at least 5. This problem is closely related to the well known open problem of determining the complexity of 3-{\sc Coloring} of $Pt$-free graphs. We show that for every odd $k \geq 5$ the $Ck$-{\sc Coloring} problem, even in the list variant, can be solved in polynomial time in $P9$-free graphs. The algorithm extends for the case of list version of $Ck$-{\sc Coloring}, where $k$ is an even number of length at least 10. On the other hand, we prove that if some component of $F$ is not a subgraph of a subdividecd claw, then the following problems are NP-complete in $F$-free graphs: a)extension version of $Ck$-{\sc Coloring} for every odd $k \geq 5$, b) list version of $Ck$-{\sc Coloring} for every even $k \geq 6$.

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