Emergent Mind

On patterns and dynamics of Rule 22 cellular automaton

Published May 4, 2020 in nlin.CG , cs.FL , nlin.AO , nlin.CD , and nlin.PS


Rule 22 elementary cellular automaton (ECA) has a 3--cell neighborhood, binary cell states, where a cell takes state 1' if there is exactly one neighbor, including the cell itself, in state1'. In Boolean terms the cell-state transition is a XOR function of three cell states. In physico--chemical terms the rule might be seen as describing propagation of self-inhibiting quantities/species. Space-time dynamics of Rule 22 demonstrates non-trivial patterns and quasi-chaotic behavior. We characterize the phenomena observed in this rule using mean field theory, attractors, de Bruijn diagrams, subset diagrams, filters, fractals and memory.

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