Emergent Mind

Complexity of the Infinitary Lambek Calculus with Kleene Star

Published May 1, 2020 in math.LO and cs.LO


We consider the Lambek calculus, or non-commutative multiplicative intuitionistic linear logic, extended with iteration, or Kleene star, axiomatised by means of an $\omega$-rule, and prove that the derivability problem in this calculus is $\Pi_10$-hard. This solves a problem left open by Buszkowski (2007), who obtained the same complexity bound for infinitary action logic, which additionally includes additive conjunction and disjunction. As a by-product, we prove that any context-free language without the empty word can be generated by a Lambek grammar with unique type assignment, without Lambek's non-emptiness restriction imposed (cf. Safiullin 2007).

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