Emergent Mind


In this paper we study the separation between the deterministic (classical) query complexity ($D$) and the exact quantum query complexity ($QE$) of several Boolean function classes using the parity decision tree method. We first define the Query Friendly (QF) functions on $n$ variables as the ones with minimum deterministic query complexity $(D(f))$. We observe that for each $n$, there exists a non-separable class of QF functions such that $D(f)=QE(f)$. Further, we show that for some values of $n$, all the QF functions are non-separable. Then we present QF functions for certain other values of $n$ where separation can be demonstrated, in particular, $QE(f)=D(f)-1$. In a related effort, we also study the Maiorana McFarland (M-M) type Bent functions. We show that while for any M-M Bent function $f$ on $n$ variables $D(f) = n$, separation can be achieved as $\frac{n}{2} \leq QE(f) \leq \lceil \frac{3n}{4} \rceil$. Our results highlight how different classes of Boolean functions can be analyzed for classical-quantum separation exploiting the parity decision tree method.

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