Emergent Mind

A New Qubits Mapping Mechanism for Multi-programming Quantum Computing

Published Apr 27, 2020 in cs.DC and quant-ph


For a specific quantum chip, multi-programming helps to improve overall throughput and resource utilization. However, the previous solutions for mapping multiple programs onto a quantum chip often lead to resource under-utilization, high error rate and low fidelity. In this paper, we propose a new approach to map concurrent quantum programs. Our approach has three critical components. The first one is the Community Detection Assisted Partition (CDAP) algorithm, which partitions physical qubits for concurrent quantum programs by considering both physical typology and the error rates, avoiding the waste of robust resources. The second one is the X-SWAP scheme that enables inter-program SWAP operations to reduce the SWAP overheads. Finally, we propose a compilation task scheduling framework, which dynamically selects concurrent quantum programs to be executed based on estimated fidelity, increasing the throughput of the quantum computer. We evaluate our work on publicly available quantum computer IBMQ16 and a simulated quantum chip IBMQ20. Our work outperforms the previous solution on multi-programming in both fidelity and SWAP overheads by 12.0% and 11.1%, respectively.

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