Emergent Mind


As a decentralized model training method, federated learning is designed to integrate the isolated data islands and protect data privacy. Recent studies, however, have demonstrated that the Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) based attacks can be used in federated learning to learn the distribution of the victim's private dataset and accordingly reconstruct human-distinguishable images. In this paper, we exploit defenses against GAN-based attacks in federated learning, and propose a framework, Anti-GAN, to prevent attackers from learning the real distribution of the victim's data. The core idea of Anti-GAN is to corrupt the visual features of the victim's private training images, such that the images restored by the attacker are indistinguishable to human eyes. Specifically, in Anti-GAN, the victim first projects the personal dataset onto a GAN's generator, then mixes the fake images generated by the generator with the real images to obtain the training dataset, which will be fed into the federated model for training. We redesign the structure of the victim's GAN to encourage it to learn the classification features (instead of the visual features) of the real images. We further introduce an unsupervised task to the GAN model for obfuscating the visual features of the generated images. The experiments demonstrate that Anti-GAN can effectively prevent the attacker from learning the distribution of the private images, meanwhile causing little harm to the accuracy of the federated model.

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