Emergent Mind

Keyphrase Generation with Cross-Document Attention

Published Apr 21, 2020 in cs.CL


Keyphrase generation aims to produce a set of phrases summarizing the essentials of a given document. Conventional methods normally apply an encoder-decoder architecture to generate the output keyphrases for an input document, where they are designed to focus on each current document so they inevitably omit crucial corpus-level information carried by other similar documents, i.e., the cross-document dependency and latent topics. In this paper, we propose CDKGen, a Transformer-based keyphrase generator, which expands the Transformer to global attention with cross-document attention networks to incorporate available documents as references so as to generate better keyphrases with the guidance of topic information. On top of the proposed Transformer + cross-document attention architecture, we also adopt a copy mechanism to enhance our model via selecting appropriate words from documents to deal with out-of-vocabulary words in keyphrases. Experiment results on five benchmark datasets illustrate the validity and effectiveness of our model, which achieves the state-of-the-art performance on all datasets. Further analyses confirm that the proposed model is able to generate keyphrases consistent with references while keeping sufficient diversity. The code of CDKGen is available at https://github.com/SVAIGBA/CDKGen.

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