Emergent Mind

A Probabilistic Logic for Verifying Continuous-time Markov Chains

Published Apr 17, 2020 in cs.LO


A continuous-time Markov chain (CTMC) execution is a continuous class of probability distributions over states. This paper proposes a probabilistic linear-time temporal logic, namely continuous-time linear logic (CLL), to reason about the probability distribution execution of CTMCs. We define the syntax of CLL on the space of probability distributions. The syntax of CLL includes multiphase timed until formulas, and the semantics of CLL allows time reset to study relatively temporal properties. We derive a corresponding model-checking algorithm for CLL formulas. The correctness of the model-checking algorithm depends on Schanuel's conjecture, a central open problem in transcendental number theory. Furthermore, we provide a running example of CTMCs to illustrate our method.

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