Emergent Mind

Intrinsic Exploration as Multi-Objective RL

Published Apr 6, 2020 in cs.LG and stat.ML


Intrinsic motivation enables reinforcement learning (RL) agents to explore when rewards are very sparse, where traditional exploration heuristics such as Boltzmann or e-greedy would typically fail. However, intrinsic exploration is generally handled in an ad-hoc manner, where exploration is not treated as a core objective of the learning process; this weak formulation leads to sub-optimal exploration performance. To overcome this problem, we propose a framework based on multi-objective RL where both exploration and exploitation are being optimized as separate objectives. This formulation brings the balance between exploration and exploitation at a policy level, resulting in advantages over traditional methods. This also allows for controlling exploration while learning, at no extra cost. Such strategies achieve a degree of control over agent exploration that was previously unattainable with classic or intrinsic rewards. We demonstrate scalability to continuous state-action spaces by presenting a method (EMU-Q) based on our framework, guiding exploration towards regions of higher value-function uncertainty. EMU-Q is experimentally shown to outperform classic exploration techniques and other intrinsic RL methods on a continuous control benchmark and on a robotic manipulator.

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