Emergent Mind


Neural source-filter (NSF) waveform models generate speech waveforms by morphing sine-based source signals through dilated convolution in the time domain. Although the sine-based source signals help the NSF models to produce voiced sounds with specified pitch, the sine shape may constrain the generated waveform when the target voiced sounds are less periodic. In this paper, we propose a more flexible source signal called cyclic noise, a quasi-periodic noise sequence given by the convolution of a pulse train and a static random noise with a trainable decaying rate that controls the signal shape. We further propose a masked spectral loss to guide the NSF models to produce periodic voiced sounds from the cyclic noise-based source signal. Results from a large-scale listening test demonstrated the effectiveness of the cyclic noise and the masked spectral loss on speaker-independent NSF models in copy-synthesis experiments on the CMU ARCTIC database.

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