Emergent Mind

From Paris to Berlin: Discovering Fashion Style Influences Around the World

Published Apr 3, 2020 in cs.CV and cs.SI


The evolution of clothing styles and their migration across the world is intriguing, yet difficult to describe quantitatively. We propose to discover and quantify fashion influences from everyday images of people wearing clothes. We introduce an approach that detects which cities influence which other cities in terms of propagating their styles. We then leverage the discovered influence patterns to inform a forecasting model that predicts the popularity of any given style at any given city into the future. Demonstrating our idea with GeoStylea large-scale dataset of 7.7M images covering 44 major world cities, we present the discovered influence relationships, revealing how cities exert and receive fashion influence for an array of 50 observed visual styles. Furthermore, the proposed forecasting model achieves state-of-the-art results for a challenging style forecasting task, showing the advantage of grounding visual style evolution both spatially and temporally.

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