Emergent Mind


In database-as-a-service platforms, automated verification of query equivalence helps eliminate redundant computation in the form of overlapping sub-queries. Researchers have proposed two pragmatic techniques to tackle this problem. The first approach consists of reducing the queries to algebraic expressions and proving their equivalence using an algebraic theory. The limitations of this technique are threefold. It cannot prove the equivalence of queries with significant differences in the attributes of their relational operators. It does not support certain widely-used SQL features. Its verification procedure is computationally intensive. The second approach transforms this problem to a constraint satisfaction problem and leverages a general-purpose solver to determine query equivalence. This technique consists of deriving the symbolic representation of the queries and proving their equivalence by determining the query containment relationship between the symbolic expressions. While the latter approach addresses all the limitations of the former technique, it only proves the equivalence of queries under set semantics. However, in practice, database applications use bag semantics. In this paper, we introduce a novel symbolic approach for proving query equivalence under bag semantics. We transform the problem of proving query equivalence under bag semantics to that of proving the existence of a bijective, identity map between tuples returned by the queries on all valid inputs. We implement this symbolic approach in SPES and demonstrate that SPES proves the equivalence of a larger set of query pairs (95/232) under bag semantics compared to the state-of-the-art tools based on algebraic (30/232) and symbolic approaches (67/232) under set and bag semantics, respectively. Furthermore, SPES is 3X faster than the symbolic tool that proves equivalence under set semantics.

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