Emergent Mind

Crafty: Efficient, HTM-Compatible Persistent Transactions

Published Apr 1, 2020 in cs.PL


Byte-addressable persistent memory, such as Intel/Micron 3D XPoint, is an emerging technology that bridges the gap between volatile memory and persistent storage. Data in persistent memory survives crashes and restarts; however, it is challenging to ensure that this data is consistent after failures. Existing approaches incur significant performance costs to ensure crash consistency. This paper introduces Crafty, a new approach for ensuring consistency and atomicity on persistent memory operations using commodity hardware with existing hardware transactional memory (HTM) capabilities, while incurring low overhead. Crafty employs a novel technique called nondestructive undo logging that leverages commodity HTM to control persist ordering. Our evaluation shows that Crafty outperforms state-of-the-art prior work under low contention, and performs competitively under high contention.

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