Emergent Mind

Central Limit Theorems for Martin-Löf Random Numbers

Published Mar 31, 2020 in math.PR , cs.IT , and math.IT


We prove two theorems related to the Central Limit Theorem (CLT) for Martin-L\"of Random (MLR) sequences. Martin-L\"of randomness attempts to capture what it means for a sequence of bits to be "truly random". By contrast, CLTs do not make assertions about the behavior of a single random sequence, but only on the distributional behavior of a sequence of random variables. Semantically, we usually interpret CLTs as assertions about the collective behavior of infinitely many sequences. Yet, our intuition is that if a sequence of bits is "truly random", then it should provide a "source of randomness" for which CLT-type results should hold. We tackle this difficulty by using a sampling scheme that generates an infinite number of samples from a single binary sequence. We show that when we apply this scheme to a Martin-L\"of random sequence, the empirical moments and cumulative density functions (CDF) of these samples tend to their corresponding counterparts for the normal distribution. We also prove the well known almost sure central limit theorem (ASCLT), which provides an alternative, albeit less intuitive, answer to this question. Both results are also generalized for Schnorr random sequences.

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