Emergent Mind

Provisioning Spot Instances Without Employing Fault-Tolerance Mechanisms

Published Mar 30, 2020 in cs.DC and cs.SE


Cloud computing offers a variable-cost payment scheme that allows cloud customers to specify the price they are willing to pay for renting spot instances to run their applications at much lower costs than fixed payment schemes, and depending on the varying demand from cloud customers, cloud platforms could revoke spot instances at any time. To alleviate the effect of spot instance revocations, applications often employ different fault-tolerance mechanisms to minimize or even eliminate the lost work for each spot instance revocation. However, these fault-tolerance mechanisms incur additional overhead related to application completion time and deployment cost. We propose a novel cloud market-based approach that leverages cloud spot market features to provision spot instances without employing fault-tolerance mechanisms to reduce the deployment cost and completion time of applications. We evaluate our approach in simulations and use Amazon spot instances that contain jobs in Docker containers and realistic price traces from EC2 markets. Our simulation results show that our approach reduces the deployment cost and completion time compared to approaches based on fault-tolerance mechanisms.

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