Emergent Mind

Strip Pooling: Rethinking Spatial Pooling for Scene Parsing

Published Mar 30, 2020 in cs.CV


Spatial pooling has been proven highly effective in capturing long-range contextual information for pixel-wise prediction tasks, such as scene parsing. In this paper, beyond conventional spatial pooling that usually has a regular shape of NxN, we rethink the formulation of spatial pooling by introducing a new pooling strategy, called strip pooling, which considers a long but narrow kernel, i.e., 1xN or Nx1. Based on strip pooling, we further investigate spatial pooling architecture design by 1) introducing a new strip pooling module that enables backbone networks to efficiently model long-range dependencies, 2) presenting a novel building block with diverse spatial pooling as a core, and 3) systematically comparing the performance of the proposed strip pooling and conventional spatial pooling techniques. Both novel pooling-based designs are lightweight and can serve as an efficient plug-and-play module in existing scene parsing networks. Extensive experiments on popular benchmarks (e.g., ADE20K and Cityscapes) demonstrate that our simple approach establishes new state-of-the-art results. Code is made available at https://github.com/Andrew-Qibin/SPNet.

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