Emergent Mind

Preserving self-similarity in free products of semigroups

Published Mar 28, 2020 in math.GR and cs.FL


We improve on earlier results on the closure under free products of the class of automaton semigroups. We consider partial automata and show that the free product of two self-similar semigroups (or automaton semigroups) is self-similar (an automaton semigroup) if there is a homomorphism from one of the base semigroups to the other. The construction used is computable and yields further consequences. One of them is that we can adjoin a free generator to any self-similar semigroup (or automaton semigroup) and preserve the property of self-similarity (or being an automaton semigroup). The existence of a homomorphism between two semigroups is a very lax requirement; in particular, it is satisfied if one of the semigroups contains an idempotent. To explore the limits of this requirement, we show that no simple or $0$-simple idempotent-free semigroup is a finitely generated self-similar semigroup (or an automaton semigroup). Furthermore, we give an example of a pair of residually finite semigroups without a homomorphism from one to the other.

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