Emergent Mind

On the role of surrogates in the efficient estimation of treatment effects with limited outcome data

Published Mar 27, 2020 in stat.ML , cs.LG , and stat.ME


In many experiments and observational studies, the outcome of interest is often difficult or expensive to observe, reducing effective sample sizes for estimating average treatment effects (ATEs) even when identifiable. We study how incorporating data on units for which only surrogate outcomes not of primary interest are observed can increase the precision of ATE estimation. We refrain from imposing stringent surrogacy conditions, which permit surrogates as perfect replacements for the target outcome. Instead, we supplement the available, albeit limited, observations of the target outcome (which by themselves identify the ATE) with abundant observations of surrogate outcomes, without any assumptions beyond random assignment and missingness and corresponding overlap conditions. To quantify the potential gains, we derive the difference in efficiency bounds on ATE estimation with and without surrogates, both when an overwhelming or comparable number of units have missing outcomes. We develop robust ATE estimation and inference methods that realize these efficiency gains. We empirically demonstrate the gains by studying the long-term-earning effects of job training.

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