Emergent Mind

A Hybrid Lagrangian/Eulerian Collocated Advection and Projection Method for Fluid Simulation

Published Mar 27, 2020 in cs.GR , cs.CE , and physics.comp-ph


We present a hybrid particle/grid approach for simulating incompressible fluids on collocated velocity grids. We interchangeably use particle and grid representations of transported quantities to balance efficiency and accuracy. A novel Backward Semi-Lagrangian method is derived to improve accuracy of grid based advection. Our approach utilizes the implicit formula associated with solutions of Burgers' equation. We solve this equation using Newton's method enabled by $C1$ continuous grid interpolation. We enforce incompressibility over collocated, rather than staggered grids. Our projection technique is variational and designed for B-spline interpolation over regular grids where multiquadratic interpolation is used for velocity and multilinear interpolation for pressure. Despite our use of regular grids, we extend the variational technique to allow for cut-cell definition of irregular flow domains for both Dirichlet and free surface boundary conditions.

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