Emergent Mind


We establish uniform error bounds of an exponential wave integrator Fourier pseudospectral (EWI-FP) method for the long-time dynamics of the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation (NKGE) with a cubic nonlinearity whose strength is characterized by $\varepsilon2$ with $\varepsilon \in (0, 1]$ a dimensionless parameter. When $0 < \varepsilon \ll 1$, the problem is equivalent to the long-time dynamics of the NKGE with small initial data (and $O(1)$ cubic nonlinearity), while the amplitude of the initial data (and the solution) is at $O(\varepsilon)$. For the long-time dynamics of the NKGE up to the time at $O(1/\varepsilon{2})$, the resolution and error bounds of the classical numerical methods depend significantly on the small parameter $\varepsilon$, which causes severe numerical burdens as $\varepsilon \to 0+$. The EWI-FP method is fully explicit, symmetric in time and has many superior properties in solving wave equations. By adapting the energy method combined with the method of mathematical induction, we rigorously carry out the uniform error bounds of the EWI-FP discretization at $O(h{m_0} + \varepsilon{2-\beta}\tau2)$ up to the time at $O(1/\varepsilon{\beta})$ with $0 \leq \beta \leq 2$, mesh size $h$, time step $\tau$ and $m_0$ an integer depending on the regularity of the solution. By a rescaling in time, our results are straightforwardly extended to the error bounds and $\varepsilon$-scalability (or meshing strategy requirement) of the EWI-FP method for an oscillatory NKGE, whose solution propagates waves with wavelength at $O(1)$ and $O(\varepsilon{\beta})$ in space and time, respectively, and wave speed at $O(\varepsilon{-\beta})$. Finally, extensive numerical results are reported to confirm our error estimates.

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